Thread: Warangan
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Old 2nd December 2004, 09:36 AM   #2
Paul de Souza
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Singapore
Posts: 66

You have to pound the warangan into a fine power first then add a little to the lime juice solution. The rest is guesstimation or agak-agak since you don't really know what the purity of the wrangan is. Start with a bit and see if there is a reaction to the blade if none add abit more. Reaction does not come immediately and you have to soak the balde in the solution a little while. It takes time and practice. This I get from reading. I am not sure if you have to rinse the blade clean of the solution. It comes from expereince. The best person to advice would be I guess would be Adni.

Please be aware that warangan (arsenic) is very poisonous and that the pounder you use to pound it should not be used to pound food, blacan, whatever after and please wear gloves too.

Test Test..
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