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Old 27th February 2012, 07:16 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by David
Frankly, you have left me a bit confused by your answer as well. You state 'with roughly the same form, an A.E.U. dagger will be a khangar, when in Yemen, we will talk about "jambiya"' Firstly, can i assume that you mean the U.A.E.(United Arab Emirate) here, because i do not know what the A.E.U. is otherwise? If this is what you did mean how does this apply to a Kurdish Dagger? Kurdistan covers parts of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria so it is neither A.E.U. or Yemen and does not fall neatly into this "rule".
Hi David
again, a difficulty to express my thought,
Arabian Peninsula is constituted as you know of ;
- KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
- Yemen
- and the other countries who form .... Arabian Peninsula

it's these countries that I grouped under the (wrong) term of;
- A.E.U. (by extension) it's because in a very "tiny" territory, you have
- not less than of 7 Emirates, not counting Kuwait and Oman
the nestings are very numerous,
sometimes even for a similar weapon, we can find them under different labels,
or for different daggers, found them under the same name
and all these countries, are using Arabic language

as far as what I should like to explain, the subject is a little bit confuse,
not easy to give a very "square" description; because not possible to enter in writing,
the experience of 6 years in Saudi, one year in Sharjah, and around 2 years in Kuwait
I learned that, what we call "Jambiya" for a Kurdish dagger is, as well as, the long wahhabite dagger ...
I learned also, that in A.E.U. as well as in Saudi, they call "Khanjar" what looks more or less the same in Yemen,
but they know under the name of "Jambiya"

at that moment, we know it, because on spot we learn how it's named
but then to know why, here and there, not the same weapons,
even if it has the same name ... it's too much to ask for

I speak of course of general,
and if we refer to "Ibrahiim al Balooshi" posts, who are very well documented and explicit,
we should approach of a revelation

best regards

à +

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