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Old 27th February 2012, 05:46 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Henk
... Still i think David is right. We have a lot of members here that haven't the english language as their native tongue.
Hi Henk
as you said ... "We have a lot of members here that haven't the English language as their native tongue",
I'm one of them, and I have to confess, that my level in English talking it's better than in writing
I deeply apologize, if I hurt some one
if I turn somebody in derision, it's only me, the concerned ...
I don't allow me to mock some one, who am I, do to so ?

je suis profondément désolé "Chregru" si mon message a pu te laisser une impression mitigée,
je confesse bien volontiers, que mon expression anglaise, n'a aucune base académique,
elle fut acquise ... sur le terrain (Moyen-Orient), et présente de ce fait de nombreuses lacunes,
j'espère que tu accepteras mes excuses

sorry formites, but this small paragraph in French
it's to clarify definitely the situation and this to avoid an other ... misunderstanding

à +

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