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Old 27th February 2012, 04:08 PM   #9
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Wow, Chregru that's a very nice collection.

A little bit sarcasm and fun should be allowed in this forum. Still i think David is right. We have a lot of members here that haven't the english language as their native tongue. Unfortunately i do notice some sharp comments and answers to each other that aren't neccesarry at all, wich are the result of not understanding each other and often the result by problems in understanding what is precisely said. As Chegru mentioned that he has some difficulties by understanding english we should be careful by making jokes wich could be easily misunderstood.

On the other hand some remarks Dom made are very true.
Read a lot. In books, on this forum and on the entire internet where you can find a lot of information as well.
Watch pictures. Very important. Look and learn!! And certainly not unimportant, enjoy!!
Start a collection. How true!! When you bought a new piece for your collection dig up all the information you can get and learn from it. On the other hand it isn't a good idea to start a collection. I want those nice sharp and pointy things. All those guys bidding you out on a nice sharp object.

From what Chregu showed us, and thank you so much for sharing, i would say, and please forgive me any mistakes becauase this isn't my field at all, but by reading, watching pictures and collecting in a complete other field of interest one's knowledge even in this field will increase, we find in te top line nr 1, 2,3 and 5 kurdish jambiya nr 4 i would say a syrian jambiya nr 6 and 7 arab jambiya and nr 8 a khanjar from India.
In the middle a wahabite.
On the bottom line Arab and yemeni jambiya.

As said, not my field of interest and certainly not of collecting i think I'm able by reading and looking at pictures on this wonderful forum to tell something about this small collection. Not perfect and maybe full with mistakes, but hey, i'm convinced i didn't make a complete mess of it.
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