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Old 25th February 2012, 01:00 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Jens, the way in which a person shares the information he or she may have is a very strong indication of the depth of that person's knowledge and also of his character.

For instance, I have known and still know a number of academics who cling tenuously to their tenures, and who possess shallow knowledge and very mean characters. These people are reluctant to share any information at all.

I also know people who are at the very top of their professions who openly share all and everything they know, except the perhaps the one or two percent of their knowledge that places them above the drones.

On the very few occasions when I do lodge a query in this Forum I expect nothing at all. If somebody with superior knowledge to my own in a particular field chooses to answer, it is his decision to do so, or not.

Personally, I do not see the involvement of anybody in this discussion group of being on the basis of "you give me this, and I'll give you that" . Every day of my life I answer questions from people all over the world, people whom I have never met and am never likely to meet. If I know an answer to the question, I give it, if I do not know I say so.

The question I have lodged concerns script, nothing more, nothing less.

If it can be read by somebody, an answer will be greatly appreciated.

The script has nothing at all to do with the object upon which that script has been placed. All the information necessary to answer the question has already been given.

This idea of yours that if a full photograph of somebody's possession is not given, then an answer to a straight forward, though apparently obscure question should not be given, I do indeed find very peculiar.

But then we all live by different standards, don't we?
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