Thread: Display Rack
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Old 19th February 2012, 07:43 PM   #12
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Hi Stan,
how about magnets (High Performance Neodymium Magnets) fitted to the shield shaped wall hangings suggested by Runjeet. Magnets are available that are pre-holed which could be screwed directly to the board ....many of the smaller sized ones are capable of holding 3-4 lbs ....some even more, so 2 per sword would suffice. It also allows re-arranging, simply by pulling a sword off and replacing with another. I have tried a few experiments with these magnets and like the idea that the sword appears free floating. Sorry no pics as I am still playing, I mean experimenting with them.

Regards David

Approx size of 1 neodymium magnet to load capacity...... for instance 10mm diameter x 5 mm thick, will hold approx. 2.2 kgs or just over 4 1/2 lbs
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