Thread: Display Rack
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Old 17th February 2012, 07:48 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Stan. Go to
You will notice they also offer sword racks - and in Mohogany. The horizonal rack shown in the photo is for swords without scabbards. But they will make them with a loop on both ends for scabbards.
I have purchased 5 racks from them - in Mahogany - and really like them. Two of mine were custom ordered.
They will make most anything you can dream up. And, I found their quality very good and their pricing very reasonable. They are very easy to work with.

I agree with Andrew that racks in general do somewhat distract from the beauty of the weapon. But if you own alot of stuff (LOL) like me, the racks are the only logical answer.

The Mahogany racks I bought from them look way better than anything you would find on Ebay or the like. They are made to order. Turn-around time is very quick. Good luck.

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