Originally Posted by A.alnakkas
Salam Ibrahim,
I disagree. Jambiya is an abreviation from an arab word done by collectors. The original word is JANBIYA or Jannabiya and it means (the weapon tuck on the side) Anyone speaking arabic wouldnt have a hard time knowing what Janbiya is.
As for Khanjar, I disagree, infact I dont think its an Arab word. It is likely a persian word but I am not 100% certain. The word khanjar, unlike Janbiya is used by the following: Kurds, Persians, Turks (Hancer) northern Arabs. While Janbiya seems to be more focused on Yemen and the south Arabian places.
Salaams A.alnakkas: That means 3 million Omani people have got it wrong then...? I will just go out and tell them Lofty ~ not be a moment...
Your detail on Janbiyya is of course perfectly correct though Khanjar appears to be Arabic.. perhaps a local Arabic word here...It occurs in the Funoon from an ancient dance completed with Khanjar so it goes back to 1400 years at least... The Khanjar did not appear in India til 500 years ago according to museum references and it is not an original Indian word.
The Khanjar and the Jambiyya (janbiya) are different styles clouded in time ...locked in design... from different countries.
Omanis dont have Jambiyyas and Yemenis dont have Khanjars. They dont have them and they dont use the words to describe their weapons. They do however know what each is and what both words mean !
Oman, however, uses Khanjar to describe Omani Khanjars and Yemen uses Jambiyya to describe Yemeni Jambiyyas.
We are all happy with that.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.