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Old 16th February 2012, 03:50 AM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,247

Hi All,

Little bit about shark biology:

Great white sharks typically go after seals and sea lions. They often spit out humans because we don't have enough body fat.

Tiger sharks and bull sharks think we're yummy and good with ketchup, if they're big enough. They are more common in tropical waters, and the bull shark even gets into fresh water, well up the Mississippi.

Were I in the Sepik, I'd worry far more about tiger sharks and bull sharks than great whites. I'd also worry about crocodiles.

As for the standing paddles, the ones I've seen seem to have smallish blades on the end of long poles. I'm not sure whether any of these really qualify.

My 0.00002 pence,

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