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Old 15th February 2012, 08:25 PM   #7
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by David
This seems a bit unlikely. Sharks as a general rule don't like the taste of humans and when they do attack us it is generally because they mistake us for some of their more usual foods.
That's what the New Guinea book said and for the time being I'll accept the on-scene account. Sharks do poke their heads out of water to be hand fed as shown on some of the Great white specials on South African sharks. There must be some strange motivation to have a line of rowers stand in a log canoe to paddle it. I'll accept the book account. The other problem is crocs. Wooden Boat magazine stated an issue for canoeists around the Mississippi flowing into the Gulf of Mexico is that paddlers face both sharks and crocs or alligators (whichever of the latter two hang out down there).
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