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Old 15th February 2012, 06:13 AM   #14
kahnjar1's Avatar
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Hi Steve.
This dagger is described by the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh KSA, as a DHARIA dagger known as "Muqaffala" or "Mufarragha". The area origin is Western Saudi, Asir/Hijaz region. There is a book published by the K F Center, titled Weapons of the Islamic World/Swords and Armour. It illustrates an exhibition by them in 1991 and this type of dagger is illustrated.
I should also add that the Omani and Yemeni daggers shown in this exhibition are described as just that....daggers... and the term "Jambiya" and "Khanjar" do not feature. It would appear that the names used in the countries of origin are perhaps localised and probaly more likely to be correct. ....Omani=Khanjar and Yemen=Jambiya. Only those who live in those countries would know the true description applied. Early authors such as Cameron Stone may possibly have used some descriptive licence, which in more recent times will come to refined or corrected.
Regards Stu
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