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Old 12th February 2012, 03:44 AM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by ariel
I certainly agree with Jim: this is not a throwing spear. It is far too heavy and likely poorly balanced for throwing.
Jim , I never thought of the Chinese Connection:-)
Indeed, zaghnal ( Raven's Beak) looks very similar. Do you think the chain extended further to Europe, through Massagetan examples to Turks ( djokan), Russia ( klevetz or chekan) all the way to medieval Poland ( Nadziak) and Western Europe ravensbeak?
Thanks very much Ariel
Actually the Chinese connection has been something I had thought of some years ago in my usual escapades in studying arms in it seems erratic directions always on different tangents. I suppose much of the ideas must be admittedly free association, simply noticing similarities in features and form. In recent years the complex web of trade networks has been in degree unraveled to reveal incredibly plausible possibilities in the diffusion of influences over vast distances and long periods of time. All those examples of weapons you have noted I think have likely some degree of connection possible, but in actuality these simply fashioned designs could well have developed convergently. Think of other 'ravens beak' types of war axes in Africa, and far distant in Japan as well, which of course reinforces the idea of convergency....yet the 'Chinese connection' could as well have influenced via trade in both of these directions independantly....definitely food for thought!

All the best,
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