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Old 4th February 2012, 07:51 PM   #4
Norman McCormick
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Hi Alexander,
The letters are for Gieves who were outfitters and not makers and IF the sword is correct probably supplied after 1916. British military swords came in different degrees of quality and in times of war when there would have been a great demand for swords quality may have sufffered. There should be a cartouche on the blade for the monarch in this case probably GRV but maybe GRVI or ERII as Gieves were in business into the 1960's, please have a look at the blade and see if any of these are on it. There is always the possibility of the guard having been damaged and subsequently re-gilded giving the impression of substandard casting. The sword may be a repro but I can't remember seeing one with Gieves and/or an S proof mark but there is always a first time! Hope this is of some help.
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