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Old 31st January 2012, 08:13 AM   #18
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by AJ1356
Now if we say it is a meat cleaver from some back wood island nation that did not have any concepts of simple Physics, then sure why not it is a meat cleaver. But so say it is a meat cleaver from a part of the world that probably invented meat cleavers (did a wiki and aparently chinese did the invention which persia traded with for 1000s of years) then that is just plain silly.

meat cleaver
Well. it is a type of meat cleaver.. not the only meat cleaver they have in this area there is quite a few different types...... in iran for example there is several styles traditionally .. some look more like a typical cleaver but with a pinned tang and very thick blade some up to 15mm thick. the modern european cleaver is are a recent product and is still mostly preferred with only northern europeans. southern europe and the balkans have several typical styles of their own. in russia and eastern central europe and central asia a meat axe is preferred, in medieval northern continental europe knives looking like a giant golok with a open front wooden sheath were standard for larger work , some with blades almost 3 feet.
then an axe used for the smaller work. not at all what is used today
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