An Interesting Chopper....But From Where??
I just picked up this curious chopper. It's very heavy, sits in a stand-up scabbard, mostly exposed, and has a beautifully carved wooden hilt with a heavy brass ferrule.. It is 23in. overall, with an 18in. blade that is rather crudely forged and 3in. wide at its widest point.
When I first saw this one in pics, I thought it might be Indonesian. But having now seen and handled it, with particular reference to the hilt that shares some features that seem similar to some kukri hilts, I am more inclined to think it is a sacrificial chopper from NE India or Nepal.
I am certainly still open to any ideas, and look forward to any insights and feedback.
Please have a look and let me know what you think.
Last edited by CharlesS; 30th January 2012 at 08:40 PM.