Originally Posted by BluErf
Hi Bill,
If that is the name of your sword, it is really special!
I think the second word may have been mistyped. Should be:
It's pronounced Tao1 Tie4 (1st intonation and 4th intonation respectively).
It's a mythical voracious beast that was used as a talisman to ward off evil in ancient China. And it so happened that there were a couple of examples in the San Xing Dui exhibition and I took photos of them. 
I have been going through my collection adding information while revisiting old friends. Would like to know more about 饕餮 . Could I get a more phonetic pronunciation? I think "Tao" is pronounced "Dow" . . . . . and, is the mythical (I hope) beast "Tie"? Perhaps "path of the beast"?
It is frustrating trying to translate subtle meanings and nuances from other languages into English, but I would like to be able to point visitors to my Jian (pictured above) and tell something of it's name (I like) and the beast described.