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Old 12th January 2012, 03:39 PM   #292
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Originally Posted by Matchlock
Hi Jasper,

I noticed that item when it was still in an online auction. Some of the decorative elements remind me of Oriental influence.

They seldom appear on the market.
What approximate date would you assign to this object?

Hi Michael,

that is a very difficult question.
this sheath I saw for the first time at Christies a few years ago, as part of a lot of 5 daggers. the dating could by christies expert not exactly be given at the preview. The listing at ebay was a medieval knights dagger but this is too early.
There is not much reference on this half round scabbard of lands knecht type as well(half round because the iron sheath had to cover as well a small knife and a skewer for use in a miltary camp.)
here is my attempt:
there are only two iron relief hammered half round scabbards I know of.
one dagger+ hammered in relief iron scabbard is in the walters art museum dated in the beginning of the 16thC and another one is auctioned at HH lot 351 16 mai 2003, dated end of the 16th century.
Also some scabbards of this type can be seen on pictures of Hans Doering all dated around 1545.

So I keep it on mid 16th century, but it can be + or - 50years.

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Last edited by cornelistromp; 12th January 2012 at 03:53 PM.
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