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Old 11th August 2005, 10:32 PM   #13
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Hi Rocarnice, pretty looking keris you've got there.
The photos aren't great, but i would hazzard a guess that this is a fairly recent creation, especially the hilt. This isn't to say it doesn't have value and the silver, gold and all those stones are very nice.
I would also bet this is not a Balinese keris, inspite of it's initial appearence. The kinatah work (gold) on the blade does not look like Balinese work (i think only very few Bali keris have kinatah at all and those patterns and execution are different) and the keris does not appear to have the type of polished finish which is common on Balinese keris. Perhaps another recent Madurese blade? It is possible that the blade is older and it's just the kinatah that's new, but for somehow i doubt that. From the last photo it appears to have that even wear finish that is common on artifically aged Madurese keris. This looks like the type of flashy keris that is created to attract the western collectors. Pretty and certainly worth it's weight in gold, silver and gemstones.
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