Hi Chris and Jim,
As someone who doesn't think these are particularly modern time for me to chime in.
Ed will be able to better answer this but my impression from discussions before was that well formed cross guards were often a good indication of age. The guard of the croc kaskara here, in particular does seem of a higher than usual quality when compared to a Kassala product. In particular note the ends, which are not as flat as the usual Kassala examples.
Turning to the blades I do not believe these are car springs or sheet steel. I could very well be wrong but the appearance from photos and Chris' notes seem to back this up. Particularly the coarseness of the steel and the corrosion patterns.
Due to this I think both are at least early 20th century? Again, I am far from expert but these do not correspond well with tourist bring backs from the last 40 years or so, at least in my recollection.
The mark is of course another kettle of fish! I am also not particularly convinced it is derived from a European mark and find the comet theory potentially compelling, obviously what is needed is for someone on the ground to confirm that. I obviously need to reread Briggs as I completely forgot he mentions this mark!
All the best,