Originally Posted by Madsen
I have this beautiful sword but I dont know much about its origin. I think it is Caucasian, and a straight version of the Shashka, but I haven't seen many of those around. As you can see in the pictures, the metal sheeth is silverish but the decorations are bright green, any thoughts to the material?
Thank you
Salaams Madsen,
I wondered what your thoughts were on the sword? Did you pick this up in the Souk perhaps over in Istanbul or where so I have a better idea on what the green decoration is... which could be either a clossonne effect or green ceramic inlay. (I see a lot of Neillo work on this type of weapon which was originally a Persian technique) I wondered what the black? stones were on the pommel and scabbard as they look like Jet.. I have seen some of that work from Turkomen and Afghan sources and I was curious. Caucaz weaponry is quite superb and if this is your chosen area you will have a great fun exploring that and developing a nose for what is old and what is not etc .
This is a great Forum and you will get lots of help as Jim is intimating and if you need any information this is a fine resource to be part of. We look forward to hearing from you...
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.