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Old 30th December 2011, 10:24 PM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 15


If it is a trick, then this act should also be possible for any other forms of dagger like weapons. It would be interesting to make this comparison.


I's amazing ins't it. This is where science and mystic converge. I cannot understand how could this happen as it defies the law of physics. With an offset to neutral axis, the CG remains perfectly balance. Once the CG is perfectly balance, it will stand. This can be proven by the coke can trick. This is achieved by adjusting the water content in the coke can to a perfect half volume of the can. You can try this too. Now if this happen to the keris than it's either sheer luck or the empu is so brilliant to forge and hammer the steel in a perfectly balance CG. May be possible in those days...

Thank you Jean,

I kind of suspected this to be blarak ngirid pattern but they don't really look alike. I suppose each one is unique based on the condition and empu that did the work.

Any chance to get the views on my earlier questions on empu and tangguh

Cheers, Azman
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Last edited by Azman; 30th December 2011 at 10:35 PM.
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