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Old 29th December 2011, 11:37 PM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 15
Default Pamor & Tanguh


Thank you so much for spending time in explaining the Javanese/Balinese folklore of keris interpretation. I valued that a lot. There are various literatures on the interpretation of keris. For professional collectors like yourself, do you think these are merely folklore/believe or there are some actual truth to this. I'm sure you can browse Utube and you would find some of the keris can stand on the edge of the blade perfectly fine without support. is there a scientific reason for this being the center of gravity is perfectly balance. I find this amazing as I would have though that the hilt is off set to the centerline/neutral axis of the keris but yet the keris can still stand straight.


I've tried to take photos as you have recommended and hope this is acceptable. I would appreciate if you could elaborate and share your views on the pamor, empu/dapur and tanguh of this keris.

What type of steel is this? Is it poisonous?

Thank you for your views and Happy New Year to all.
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