Originally Posted by ganjawulung
Dear Michel AbdulRahman,
I have in my hand, a copy of museum catalogue which published some images of Pangeran Diponegoro's keris. (The copy of the catalogue was given by Dietrich Drescher or Ki Jayamalelo two weeks ago). According to the text in the catalogue, the keris is in a museum in Germany. This is the address, according to the text in catalogue:
OO. Landesmuseum
Gunter Dimt
Museumstrasse 14
4010 Linz
The Diponegoro's kris (straight keris, dapur of "jalak sangu tumpeng" -- with two sogokan, and tingil, and ornamented with gold 'kinatah' type of 'panjiwilis' depicting "kala makara"... beside is the image of Jogja warangka, type of Amangkurat with silver pendhok bunton)
I hope, it would help
I am sorry to raise this old thread again..... But I cant help it.
Could anybody provide photographs of the Pangeran Diponegoro's keris from the museum? Thks.