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Old 28th December 2011, 02:09 PM   #15
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RSWORD, hopefully the earlier statements were helpfull, specially the corrected parts. Here is the final version
Sword is marked (In the year 1919) I'm leaving out other stuff since it has already been covered. That is the year it is marked to be made. The year and the seal are right with the reign of Amir Amanullah. (that is when that seal was adoped and continued of to sometime within Zaher Shah's reign It is called the Mehraab and Munbar)(Mehraab and Munbar is still being used in the Afghan seal)
Now to the poetry, on the first picture there is the last word that I am unable to make sense of.
چو مهر تیغ گذار و چو صبح غافلگیر cho mehr taigh gudaaz o cho subh ghaafelgeer
چو عقل راهنمای و چو شرع ممممممم cho 'aql raahnumaaye o cho shar' .......

مهر means sun here ,it is the old name for the sun, now Aaftaabb is used, and rays of sun are like blades that is why the word تیغ is used (just incase some one can read and not know why i translated the way I did)

Like the Sun (lets say fast with the blade pretty much what is means) and like the Morning surprising (Dude is so fast he is like the sun with the blade and surprising like the morning)
Like wisdom, guiding and like religion........( could not make that, whatever religion is let's say that)

کمال صوبتم از حیله کَسان فارغ kamaal e sobatam az heela e kasaan faaregh
بنای هِمَتم از منت خسان آزاد banaay e hemattam az mennat e khasaan aazaad

Sobat, means land and wealth or what not. Kasaan could also be read as Kusaan, but I doubt it would be used in a poem, however it would mmke for a funny translation.

My wealth is out (side the reach of) people (pussies if we choose the second way of reading)
The building of my will is free of the credit of nobodies ( Khas is a weed or string og dead grass or a pine needle, Khas or khasaan (many) is referred to someone who is a nobody)

Trying to make sense of Farsi poetry in English is hard but I hope that was helpfull. The poems are right with the date, as now adays no one is using some of these words. What makes me think the item is new is because unless this was a museum peice, there is no way some one kept it in such a nice shape, most poeple see gold and scrape it off, effectively ruining the item. Plus the blades always rust specially on governmental swords since they were mass produced and metal quality was not high. nice sword either way.
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