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Old 27th December 2011, 09:01 PM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

There are a few methods for fixing the gonjo to the blade, and none involve brazing or welding. Do this and you will have ruined the blade.

The most frequently encountered method in Javanese, Balinese & Madura blades is to use a "key" in a keyway. This is very small pin that is driven into a tapered slot that has been cut in the hole in the gonjo that accepts the tang.

Another method is to fit the gonjo to the tang with a very neat press fit, and then using a punch and hammer, tighten that fit.

A popular method used on restored, altered, repaired and new blades since about 1960 -1970 is to use either super glue or two part epoxy resin, or plastic steel.

Looking at this blade, I believe that close inspection will reveal traces of super glue. Unless you want a time consuming job, re-fixing this gonjo with a one of the adhesives I have mentioned might be the best way to go.

As David has recommended, we need photos taken at 90 degrees to the blade in open shade and without a flash. One full length photo, and one close up of the bottom (widest ) third of the blade. Photos of the scabbard and hilt might also be of use.
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