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Old 27th December 2011, 12:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 15
Default Need Help to Identify Pamor and Tangguh

Dear friends and colleagues,

I have recently taken a keris from Bali at [name edited] collection. He told me that this keris is from old 17th century Madura steel and aged is over 200 years. I was attracted to the design of the keris which is claimed to have pamor bulu ayam.

I'm not sure of the authenticity as I'm not a keris expert so when I got home I did some research but unfortunately I really cannot find any similarity in terms of the keris design. The closet I could see is either Ron Pakis of Belarak Ngirid but still there are subtle differences when I compare the pamor design. Besides that I also cannot tell the age of this keris as there is really no guide on how to tell the tangguh. I've attached the pictures of my keris and I would appreciate if you can help to share your view on this.

The other thing that I need advise on is that my keris ganja came loose when it was accidentally dropped at the airport. I'm thinking of repairing this by doing a bit of braze welding but I'm not sure whether this is recommended. Can you also help to advise on what can I do to fix this ganja to the blade.

Thank you kindly for your help and advise.

Sincerely, Azman
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