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Old 26th December 2011, 08:26 PM   #274
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Originally Posted by Matchlock
Hi Jasper,

We should take into consideration that the high time of the Landsknechte is generally believed to have come to an end by the mid-16th c, and many of these contemporay illustrations of the 1560's-80's were romanticizing, and based on, earlier illustrative sources of the early 16th c. Consequently we often see much earlier and obsolete costumes and weapons which were characteristic of the 1520's-30's.

Also I would not call your broadsword dated 1582 a Katzbalger though the quillons suggest a late remembrance of an earlier style.

Hi michael,
yes, in the second half of the 16th century the heyday of the landsknecht was over and lost in importance, approximately after the battle of Dreux 1562 . On the other hand, Don Fernando Alvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, 3rd Duke of Alba, still hired these mercenaries in his spanish army and deployed them against the Dutch between 1567-1572.

just out of interest what do you call this sword of the landskecht image?

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