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Old 24th December 2011, 09:47 PM   #268
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Originally Posted by Lee
Here for your holiday enjoyment is this interesting little katzbalger from Bavaria. Armed with this I would be more than a match for the claws and fangs of an angry house-cat. The blade is 48.5 cm in length. Do not despair the electrical tape on the grip; it lies over gauze protecting the original worm-eaten wooden grip. I am told the inscription is some awful romantic drivel in vogue in the 16th century and not worthy of the effort of translation.

beautiful hilt design of an atypical/hybrid katzbalger with an unual ring-guard inside the s guard and with a finger-guard, a transitional sword.

I have a 1582 dated katzbalger with a similar blade in my collection and
I'm pretty sure that this katzbalger is homogen and that the blade is the original, however about 30cm shortened, the blade length should be around 80cm. (it could have been reshaped during it's working life.)

This katzbalger has a similar finger guard as most of the dussages from the late 16th century and can be dated in this period around 1575-1585.

The inscription, btw I have never seen anything like this, seems to me like Michael suggested later,on the other side it would not surprise me if this also has been done in the 16th century.(The manuscript is truthful)

perhaps it will give some outcome after translation.


Last edited by cornelistromp; 24th December 2011 at 10:08 PM.
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