Earliest known twist core blades outside West-Europe
I'm resarching for an essay about the renaissance of pattern welded West-European (i.e. France, Italy, Germany) blades which were made in an attempt to copy the "Wootz"-Blades from the late 17th Century onwards.
I would like to find out the following information about twisted core blades and/ or patterned blades produced through deliberate use of welding techniques which originate outside Western European countries as i.e.:
- Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
- Persia
- Arabian Countries
- North Africa
- Russia
- Hungary
- India
- China
- Philippines
- Indonesia
- other South Asian countries
- other non Western-European countries
Information I’m looking for about the above mentioned blades :
1) The earliest, documented, example of this type of blade for each country.
2) The said documentation. Any photos or drawings if in existance.
3) The kind (sword, spear, dagger, etc.) of blade and the term used to describe or name this type of blade in its’ country of origin at the time of production. i.e. Not the modern terminology – like « mechanical damascus blade »
This information would help me to compare the developement of such blades with those of Western Europe. Up til know I get the impression that most of these earliest pattern welded blades date from the second half of the 18th Century.
Thanks for all contributions.
Last edited by Richard R.; 19th December 2011 at 10:06 PM.