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Old 14th December 2011, 11:50 AM   #10
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Sadly that was the only auction picture I'm aware of. I'd forgotten to include the provenance, thanks Stephen.

I'd also wondered about an Egyptian connection, the style does seem fairly classic Mamluk? In particular the scabbard construction is certainly not normal for Sudanese swords.

If these are presentation pieces... I have to wonder if they are entirely from the early 20th century to cater to British tastes... Or if there is some old example which could give some insight instead into the influences the Sudanese swords themselves draw on? The question of course is, was the example in this thread made for the British gentleman who took it home? Or something older...

Here is the other example of the style I'm aware of - from the AMNH online collections. Donated to the museum in 1974. Interestingly there seems to be a engraving or stamp on the blade near the guard.
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