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Old 8th August 2005, 02:28 PM   #27
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Reviving this old thread, here are two qamas I recently acquired in Bulgaria. The small one to my knowledge dates back to the early 20th century, maybe even the end of the 19th century. It is of a type known as a "bachelor's qama", as it was worn by unmarried young men after they became 16. This was of course only possible after 1878, for bfore this date Christians were not allowed to carry weapons that openly.
The big one is a replica, and I am posting it here only to confirm if I am right in assuming it is of a typical Turkish type, based on blade shape and scabbard decoration. It is a well made replica I bought for a little less than $50, and perhaps something to watch out for on eBay in the near future, as with the current prices for qamas and kindjals one can only wonder how long it will take for copies such as this one to turn up there, offered as authentic, of course.
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