Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams stelio, Interesting~ I wonder if the protrusion on the first axe is original or welded on afterwards...? The Omanis have two slightly different axes
1. From the Musandam.
2. From the Wayhaybah or Waheebah sands in North East Oman.
The Musandam axe is called a Jers (or Jirz) quite ornamental often with brass inlay and incised geometrical designs and is carried by Shihuh tribesmen and the other is called a Qaddum and is carried by the Wayhaybah tribesmen on camelback... and is often dead basic looking without incised adornment in plain steel and with a shaft of Ghaf wood.(probably changed on your specimens)
Wayhaybah axes..I think that is what we are loooking at in the case of the second weapon though the first looks like the Indian style and somewhat odd because of the hook protrusion.
For axes see Atlantia thread; Small Axes for ID #13 etc.
Regards Ibrahiim.
hello ibrahiim !!! not stuck after, is a hook like those in the Venetian swords to handle them to beat the battle. as a kind of breaking heads. Thank you Stelios