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Old 29th November 2011, 06:17 PM   #8
Tim Simmons
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I now have one of these clubs. Sorry for the indoor pictures. I am thinking that there must be different regional models and possibly different fighting techniques of these clubs. I have seen these clubs with the stone head fixed with clay or other mastic. Also as illustrated in this thread, fixed with tapa cloth, but and most seen is this loose stone head. One can see that there is no trace of mastic of any kind. Just patination and some wear. I wonder if this is a two handed weapon to use the spike end. Held in general with the hands roughly the distance from the stone and the spike. Like this it would be possible to pick and swing at relativly close contact. The fact that the stone is not fixed is not a problem, the swing keeps the stone in place. The hands can easily be brought together at the spike end for the full distance swing of over 1m and arms length. Anyway I love it
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