Sheffield-made Kaskara
This kaskara is the only one known to me which has a British-produced blade: "SANDERSON BROS AND NEWBOULD LTD FOR PLATT BROS & Co LTD".
Sandersons were a well-known Sheffield steel producer who also made edged weapons - bayonets for the WD and excellent private purchase officers' swords. Platt Bros made textile machinery and munitions during The Great War. The very flexible blade, which has very straight, even fullers, was either actually made as a weapon or was made locally from a piece of spring steel. The blade profile inclines me to the latter.
Much about the whole speaks of quality and status - the guard sounds a note of bathos - produced I think by the modern method described by Ed.
I would not ascribe any great age - for example Sandersons used the older abbreviation LD during on their Great War swords as opposed to th more usual LTD seen here.
Last edited by stephen wood; 26th November 2011 at 05:24 PM.