Hi Tim,
What is interesting, also IPAs are slowly, step by step, penetrating our somewhat retarded lager market.
Re. "Narodi Muzeum", this should be relatively big, for half a day at least, I thought (maybe still under reparation ?; But weapons should mostly be in "Naprstkovo Muzeum" and some travellers in 19 th century donated them to museums in Vienna).
Message stick: - there is written: Middle part of the Western Australian Coast, donated to the museum by Mr Josef Polak, former Court Assistant in Perth. In accompanying letter Mr Polak wrote:
"Immediately, when we touched at beach, coastal savages sent runners to the inland tribes to warn them against our expedition. Very probably they were of the opinion that we came to punish them, as a lot of petitions concerning seep-thefts were sent by white farmers to our court already. Only after several months I found this letter at one local convict, deep in backlands - 200 English miles from the coast. The picture means, that our encampment is situated under the trees near estuary of Cascogne River and that we are heavily armed." Added also by Mr Polak: "The messengers equipped with such letters can freely travel through the territory of all tribes."