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Old 20th November 2011, 03:41 AM   #6
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Zifir
Hi Jim,
I think Dom meant the language is not Arabic although the script is. I can clearly make the tuğra out, it is in the usual shape of sahib (the owner), but I am not sure what is written inside, at first I tend to read it as Dom did, but then there is a few characters which does not fit. I am at loss for the rest of the inscription, since some parts of it are erased and the characters are somehow different than the ones I used to read, so I cannot be sure about the language. Also the beginning of the inscription seems to be lost under the remade handle if I don't see it wrong from the picture.
Thank you Zifir for explaining that. I could not make out the images well enough, but they seemed much bolder in character than I usually perceive Arabic script and I was expecting a different alphabet. The tughra does seem of course better placed with Arabic script, but I am puzzled by the anchor, of course as a symbol it is quite universal I suppose.
Looking forward to further on the translation and it more precise date is possible.
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