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Old 17th November 2011, 08:46 PM   #27
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

My posts sometimes become overlong and twisting to the point where many people probably don't read them, or if they do, they don't understand what I've written.

I'll try to keep this post brief and to the point.

This Forum is mostly frequented by collectors.

There are very few collectors in any field who want to move past the simple acquisition of objects.

Acquire : identify : catalogue : move on

When a collector diverges from this basic behaviour pattern and seeks some deeper knowledge that concerns the objects he collects, he moves from being a collector to being a student.

Students study. This is what defines a student, the act of study.

But before study can be undertaken, it is necessary to identify the area that needs to be studied.

Jussi has identified several possible areas of study.

Has anybody ever delved more than superficially into any of these areas?

If so, perhaps those people could share their experiences with us, in the hope that it might perhaps encourage others to move from being simple collectors, to being slightly less than simple students.
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