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Old 14th November 2011, 10:16 PM   #1
Stan S.
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Location: Brooklyn, NY USA
Posts: 227
Default Good Fighting Tulwar for Review and Commentary

Here is one of the latest additions to my collection. I’ve had this sword for a month or two and love it! What attracted me to it was a heavy blade of unusually low curvature with well pronounced yelman. This thing is almost straight, yet single edged with a sharp false edge extending 1/3 of the blade. The blade also bears a distinct mark associated with Bikaner armoury. The hilt is slightly smaller than average (even comparing to the normally “tight” tulwar hilts), and although quite simple it is nicely done. My guess would be an early 19th century Punjab or some other northern province but if anyone has a different opinion on its locale and age, I would love to hear it. The only downside is that the hilt has a little bit of movement. I am planning to eventually make an experiment of replacing the resin on this and a couple of other loose hilt tulwars that I have but need to build up some courage first before I can risk dissassembling my babies
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Last edited by Stan S.; 15th November 2011 at 04:54 PM. Reason: Made a mistake in describing the blade
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