Originally Posted by klewang
I do not think that Pusaka is thinking about suasa Klewang. Suasa is generally made of only 3 metals (gold, silver and copper) and is very heavy on the copper.
Traditional Tibetan singing bowls are often supposedly made with a 7-metal mixture, though there is no actual supporting evidence to support the claim. The idea of 7 basic metals seems to run through both Eastern and Western currents. In the West they are connected with the 7 astrological planets and alchemy.
The alloy i think you are most likely to see a pendok in is mamas, which is more like a German silver. I have seen suasa used on rare occasions. If anyone has an example of a pendok supposedly made from a 7-metal alloy i would love to see it posted. Can you post a photo of yours Pusaka? This 7-metal concept seems much more popular on the Asian mainland than in Indonesia AFAIK.