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Old 6th November 2011, 01:36 PM   #24
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 129

Hi Bill

Yes, a lot of Revolutionary Fascine Knives are a) much later b) non military in origin and usage - one has to look very closely, even at those sold by the 'experts' - despite that one can find some nice examples of ordinary billhooks at reasonable prices...

This one I bought from the US - but even I have no idea of its origin... The little ring may have been welded on later, but a similar feature is found on Italian and Spanish blades, but on the other side, next to the cutting edge..

I know almost nothing of the Mexican billhook - so would love to see some images of what is used there... If not on open forum, by PM or please contact me via by website - Google search for billhooks and look for a address...

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