Thread: Paltik
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Old 4th November 2011, 10:31 AM   #9
migueldiaz's Avatar
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jose, salamat. unfortunately i can't post the pics here at the forum, because the permission granted by the museum (burke) is for the pics' use just for my 'filhistory' blogs.

but am sure you guys can figure out a workaround

rick, salamat din [thanks, also]. whenever i use any of the macau exhibit pics, i explicitly indicate the source (i.e., macao exhibit, or which link is the shortcut for

though i know the owner of certain swords, i intentionally don't put the name beside the sword. and that's because i consider that knowledge as privileged info, if not confidential info

earlier, i learned or realized that jose (battara) and jon (ibeam) don't mind me putting up their names beside their pieces. so i do that in their case.

but for the rest, until i have been informed that i am allowed to do so, i'll make the attribution of the pic with just the reference to 'macao exhibit' and/or to if i put up the names, then i think that would be a breach of trust. and so i'd rather err on the side of caution by not putting up the names of the sword owner.

just want to make that clarification to everybody, as i do respect a lot the 'fair use' principle, as well as common etiquette.

and am saying all these not because i think rick nor anybody is questioning me or anything!

thanks again to all ...
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