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Old 28th October 2011, 08:15 AM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yes, I agree with you Penangsang, but not a derivation, a corruption possibly by a person who did not speak the language.

The "vieled durga" hilt is found in Jawa, where some of the people who carve them simply call them "wadon" :- woman.

They are supposedly found in Bali and I don't know what they're called there.

If we accept the Palembang hilt that started this discussion as a variation of the same type of hilt, they are found in the Palembang area of Sumatra.

In Palembang a dialect of Malay called Musi is spoken. Maybe there is a connection. Maybe.

But before I accept "balu mekabun" as a legitimate local name for this hilt, I would need to see some hard evidence that both the names currently used for this hilt form are not the invention of somebody who was not a part of any S.E. Asian culture.
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