Originally Posted by sirek
I used the name veiled-Durga, simply because I know no other name for this hilt shape.
If I see a picture somewhere, he is described as veiled-Durga
(I saw this name already discussed in previous discussions,but without
result only known as Palembang hilt or batman hilt  )
or has someone already found the correct name for it?
I think it was again Martin Kerner who used first time "Veiled-Durga" for this type of hilt in his book "Keris-Griffe Aus Museen Und Privatsammlungen" (look page 139) and others take this unproofed. It is said on other place that this hilts are common in a region neighbouring to Palembang, Bengkulu, what seems verisimilar since all examples I have seen coming with a typical Palembang sheath.
Here a second example with this hilt from my collection.