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Old 22nd October 2011, 10:12 AM   #10
Tim Simmons
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According to "Stone Axe Studies 111, Vin Davis, Mark Edmonds" This axe is modelled on Grave goods axes from Bohemia. Finds of these date from the "eneolithic period" in other words the early bronze age. The fact that most are found intact and the halting holes are small they would not fun ction as war axes. Along with grave goods they may have been worn suspended. Currently there are 18 known burial sites contianing these axes. There are miniture version, clay and antler models. The stone axes are limestone. Limestone is soft but properly halft more than hard enough to stove a human head in.

The big question is yours genuine? For a soft stone there is a remarkable lack of natural soil acid attack on the polished stone surface.
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