I have a very similar knife I was told it was from Sudan. Here I enclose another knife in my collection that is from the same typology but much more elaborated. It also has his own scabbard. The handle has a guard made with a bridge fixed with a scrue. The arm of the guard ends in a strange unusual branch that split in three pieces the centralk one being an arrow. This branch is decorated with half moon, dots and geometric lines. Half moons are found also in the lower part of the guard. The blade is curved and slightly sinuos. It is biconvex and has a series of half moon arranged simmetrically but in opposition along the central part of the blade. They are close one another to recall a fish skin. At the forte there is a series of signs that recall the ancient egyptian kopesh. All these simbols are common in sudanese knives. However the scabbard is made of leather reinforced by three plates of brass, a triangular one at the bottom, one in the middle and another one at the top. I don't know if these kind of scabbard are found in Sudanese knives. Any comment is welcome