Originally Posted by Rick
It is 'the' stuff ..........
Those MH rounds look mighty large Ibrahiim . 
Salaams Rick and Stu, When it was issued it must have been suddenly like every man had a machine gun by comparison to the old slow loader prior ~ One of the problems with the Martini Henry was the smoke from the black powder which when fired in volleys made the target difficult to see. However in its day this falling block closed breach and flat trajectory meant great accuracy was possible which was unfortunate for the enemy; often unarmoured tribal infantry. The Martini Henry round was devastating (a bit like an elephant gun) and it was not unusual for a single round to drop several targets. Both Count Martini and Mr Henry the inventors had produced a great rifle. What largely marked its demise was that the system couldn't take a magazine. Once it had been superceded many weapons appeared on Arabian shores thus its popularity in Oman.
Regards Ibrahiim.
Attached is a Khanjar Belt and the Bedouin Martini Henry belt with a full load including silver additions.