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Old 13th October 2011, 10:55 AM   #2
A.alnakkas's Avatar
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A slightly off-topic rant:

I get annoyed sometimes at the thought that our history is being sold. But its the fault of the natives, they dont take care of their items, they never catalog them. They sell them at a whim and in the end the westerners who buy them get to take care of them and even put them in museums.

Once in a discussion with a friend that collects antiques, the idea of getting back "what belongs to us" the same way egyptians are doing but its ridiculos to some extent but cant say I hate the idea of having world famous museums in my country or more arab countries.

Pointless rant is over :-)


I see older Yemeni belts sometimes, they sell fast especially if they had lots of silver buckles.

Still have alot that you can make for me Ibrahim so hope to take my swords/jambiyas to you soon :-)
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