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Old 11th October 2011, 01:20 PM   #11
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Matt, Kai is 100% correct.

Within keris culture, "original" dress means absolutely nothing.

It is the blade, and only the blade that contains the spirit of the keris, the dress is only to protect the blade.

Collectors in the west, who are not a part of keris culture, very often have a preference for older dress, and dress that has been made specifically for the blade concerned, however, this is more related to the culture of antique collecting, rather than being culturally correct for the keris.This western preference now seems to have penetrated some levels of collecting in countries which 100 years ago were definitely culturally orientated towards the keris, however, where keris culture has continued without hiatus, the same standards apply as in times past.

Keris dress is changed frequently throughout the life of a blade. It is often changed when a keris changes its custodian, or when the custodian changes rank, or his position in life, or his fortunes. It may even be changed on the basis of a dream.

Keris are not really like other edged weapons, they are cultural icons, and are subject to a different frame of reference to that which applies to other edged weapons.

The keris that has come into your hands is a very acceptable example of its type, and if it is possible for you, you really should consider trying to provide it with a scabbard.
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