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Old 11th October 2011, 10:00 AM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Matt,

Is replacing missing scabbards a common practice? I'm not sure if I would want to add one as it wouldn't be original to the piece.
Replacing missing/damaged scabbards is a very common practice since in the keris culture a keris without scabbard is akin to a nekkid person - thus, hilts and scabbards would get replaced several/many times during the working life of a blade. Also upgrades (or downgrades) are common since changes in status of a person would be expected to be reflected in the fittings.

Of course, this does not necessarily apply to a collector from the western culture. For example, if you prefer to display your keris with blade visible (wall, cupboard, etc.), there's not much point in commisioning a new scabbard. However, I believe that at least adding a pendokok (metal spacer between hilt and blade) would make it look much better (complete). Since this is most likely not a battlefield pick-up nor a royal gift nor some other piece which has a special historic value due to it being documented/preserved in an intact "as found" condition, adding something missing is ok IMHO.

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