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Old 3rd October 2011, 10:16 AM   #4
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here's another "A. Aragon, Oax." blade: (made by the famous Aragon family of Oxaca, Mexico, weapon makers since the 1700's. They are known to have made ceremonial swords for president Don Porfirio Díaz (1830-1915) himself.)

a quick google/bing search brought up a number of aragon, oax. blades, including one almost exactly like mine but a bit more weary and with a different inscription, as well as another with a similar blade shape, but an unslotted brass guard, and a different etched scene - the eagle more like yours. also a couple of eagle handled bowies and a machete with an eagle headed grip like yours, but without the clip point. many images link back to mine tho
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Last edited by kronckew; 3rd October 2011 at 10:57 AM.
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